Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (2 Timothy 2:22)
Huye de las malas pasiones de la juventud, y esmérate en seguir la justicia, la fe, el amor y la paz, junto con los que invocan al Señor con un corazón limpio. (2 Timoteo 2:22)
The Family of God / Familia de Dios Scholarship Ministry began with two students in 2012... today we have 30 students, approximately 1/2 in University and 1/2 in High School who most likely would not be attending without the assistance of these Scholarships.
Public High School is not free in Mexico and though the cost isn't great, it is costly enough that many do not continue their education past Junior High / Middle School. Additionally, very few continue past High School to attend College / University / Trade School due to cost.
Our students & their parents sign a contract. They agree to study hard, serve at Church or in the community, abstain from alcohol, sex or drugs. They are to be an example to the other students and younger people.
For More Information regarding how you can help sponsor a student, please contact:
Ed & Helen Mercer
El Family of God / Familia de Dios Ministerio de Becas comenzó con dos estudiantes en 2012... hoy tenemos 30 estudiantes, aproximadamente 1/2 en la Universidad y 1/2 en la escuela secundaria. Los estudiantes y sus padres firman un contrato. Acuerdan estudiar duro, servir en la iglesia o en la comunidad, abstenerse del alcohol, del sexo o de las drogas. Deben ser un ejemplo para los otros estudiantes y los jóvenes.
Para más información sobre cómo puede ayudar a patrocinar a un estudiante, por favor contacte:
Loly Martinez
Copyright © 2018 Family of God / Familia de Dios - All Rights Reserved.